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Scope of Product and Industrial Design Engineering - Profession for Females

alt="what is product and industrial design engineering, what is scope of product and industrial design engineering for girls, a career in product and industrial design, women in industrial design, Girl as a product designer, product design, industrial design, products, engineering"

Product and Industrial Design Engineering

A degree in Industrial Design teaches you how to develop and design any kind of product, from mobile phones, to bicycles, furniture and even fashion magazines or videos. Industrial designers are the ones that imagine how consumers might use a product and test different designs for them to see which is the most user-friendly. 

That’s why during your industrial design studies, you will learn how to develop design concepts, taking into account social, environmental, functional, financial, and aesthetic aspects. You will also develop IT skills including graphics modelling, multimedia, and web-design.

For product and industrial design, you should have interest in creating products according to the client’s demand and have good 
communication skills. You have to convey your ideas to the clients, in companies and industries. So, if you like all these you can opt this field. Some people also go for their own business setup providing design facilities to the clients. This field is good for females that have good artistic and creative skills or want to opt for it. You can watch this video for clarity.

“You have not only to improve already existing products in industry but also to design new products according to the customer demand”

As an industrial and product designer, some of your tasks will be:
  • Targeting the right audience for the product.
  • Studying the target audience, testing the product with them, gathering opinions on their user experience.
  • Evaluating the results and coming up with solutions.

“In a nutshell, designers are the brilliant minds that combine the artistic view with IT skills on a daily basis. If you fancy a career in industrial design, then start looking for degrees in the field”

Your work field can be of:
Product designer – invent new devices or make them better:

Work for: companies that deal with design, manufacturing, technical, engineering, architecture or scientific services.

Art director – Make movie magic:

Work for: advertising agencies, public relations firms, book, magazine, or newspaper publishers
An art director is the person responsible for the visual aspect and images in magazines, newspapers, product packaging, and movie and television productions. Some Art and Visual Design-oriented Masters are

Industrial design researcher:

In it you can work for research institutes, manufacturing companies, information technology companies:
As an industrial design researcher, you will research user needs, coming up with new solutions and suggestions for elements of design. Examples of products you might do research for are: apps, websites, electronic appliances, gadgets, etc.  

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Clothing/textile technologist 
  • Color technologist 
  • Exhibition designer 
  • Furniture designer 
  • Industrial/product designer 
  • Interior and spatial designer

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
  • Advertising art director
  • Automotive engineer
  • Graphic designer
  • Materials engineer
  • Product manager
  • Production designer, theater/television/film
  • Purchasing manager
  • Stylist

Final word

We hope that this article helped you about scope of product and industrial design engineering for girls.

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