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Scope of Polymer Engineering - Profession for Females

polymer engineering as a career for girls, what is polymer engineering, polymer engineering, what does a polymer engineer do, polymer engineering scope, scope of polymer engineering in Pakistan

What is Polymer Engineering?

The evidence that educating girls creates healthier, wealthier, fairer, and more stable communities is overwhelming. So, why isn’t every girl getting a quality education? The barriers, particularly for girls in the poorest countries, are wide-ranging and complex but some of them are most challenging. For example

Gender dimension: If a choice has to be made between sending a boy or a girl to school, the boy will usually be given precedence.

But I must say that era has been changed there are so many people working for the education of women. If I talk about my family, I am the first girl who is doing her engineering form out of city. My father urged me to do this. He supported me to complete my Polymer engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore.
I felt like I was not a business type of woman, and I couldn't do work in that field. I liked working with my hands and creating new things. Throughout my child hood, I would always build things and create stuff. That’s why I chose engineering.”
WHY POLYMER Engineering?

I choose polymer Engineering because I have studied about it that this is a very vast field. Polymer engineering is basically a sub-branch of chemical engineering mainly focusing how atoms and molecules can be combined to make a substance (polymers) like paints, composites, new and advanced plastics etc. It covers all the fields because now a day every field is advancing and without better, lighter and strengthful material progress is big deal. Steel and iron pipes have been replaced by plastic pipes that are durable and insulating and of better quality. The purpose of polymer engineering is to help the society by devising new materials that could make the life and already existing processes cheaper, faster and reliable. So, I think it’s a better option for a girl to choose this field. Girls can easily work in this field.

I think polymer engineering is as good for girls as for boys. It opens vast options in paint industry, automobile industry, packaging industry, aerospace and aeronautical industry, fiber and textile industry, petroleum industry, composites and wood/polymer industry, rubber and foam industry. So, if a girl loves chemistry and its application to form different better materials for better use she should opt polymer engineering because its all about polymers.

What topics do you Study polymer engineering?

Polymer engineering majors require lots of math and science courses, including polymer chemistry, physics and calculus. Core courses may include thermodynamics, statics and material strength, polymer production and technology, polymer properties, polymer analysis and polymer processing. During a capstone course, you'll create an original polymer engineering project. A general materials engineering program usually includes some of the same courses, but also covers other materials, such as ceramics and metals.
  • Graduates can be employed as production supervisors, quality control inspectors, mold designers, and production planners in several private and public-sector companies.
  • They can even work as technologists or polymer scientists in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), Oil laboratories, and petrochemicals engineering plants.
  • Polymer engineers can also opt for teaching jobs and work as lecturers or professors in engineering institutes.
  • I think after graduation you just want to establish your career. You want to have a good job to fulfil your requirements of interest and in this field, you have better options.

Final word

We hope that this article helped you about scope of polymer engineering for girls.

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